Articles MADITUC
Les systèmes de transport intelligents, École Polytechnique de Montréal

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1 CHU, Ka Kee, LOMONE, André, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2019). Evaluating the impact of fare capping and guaranteed best fare policies using smart card validations data and machine learning, TransitData 2019, 5th International Workshop and Symposium, Paris, France.
2 CHAPLEAU, Robert (2017). Challenges in integrating smart cards and GTFS data to perform dynamic assignment of transit demand, UITP - Global Public Transport Summit, Montréal. Accéder au résumé
3 DIONNE, Vincent, CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2016). Les défis profonds d'analyse des cartes à puces pour la planification du transport collectif, Mercredis de l'AMT, édition du 30 mars 2016, Montréal. Accéder au résumé
4 CHAPLEAU, Robert, SPURR, Tim (2012). LeMétro au microscope cartapucien dynamique, Mercredis de l’AMT, édition du 7 novembre 2012, Montréal.
5 DESHARNAIS, Marie-Christine, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2010). Caractérisation des patrons de demande en transport adapté à partir de données opérationnelles archivées, Congrès annuel de l’ACFAS, Montréal.
6 MORENCY, Catherine, TRÉPANIER, Martin, PICHÉ, Daniel, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2010). Bridging the Gap Between Complex Data and Decision-Makers: An Example of an Innovative Interactive Tool., Transportation Planning and Technology, , 33(6), pages 465-479.
7 CHAPLEAU, Robert (2009). Le BON, la BRUTE et le MÉCHANT : débat technique sur les cartes à puce, Conférence dans le cadre des Mercredis de l’AMT - édition du 6 mai 2009, Montréal.
8 MORENCY, Catherine, TRÉPANIER, Martin, PICHÉ, Daniel, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2008). Bridging the Gap Between Complex Data and Decision Makers: an Exemple of Innovative Interactive Tool., 55th Annual North, American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, New-York.
9 BONNEL, Patrick, MORENCY, Catherine, BAYART, Caroline (2008). Workshop on Best practices in data fusion, International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport: Harmonisation and data comparability, Annecy, France.
10 TRÉPANIER, Martin, MORENCY, Catherine, CHAPLEAU, Robert, BLANCHETTE, Carl (2008). Fusion of Smart Card Data and Household Travel Survey Data for the Enhancement of Transit Riders' Behavior Characterisation, International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport: Harmonisation and data comparability, Annecy, France.
11 CHAPLEAU, Robert, MORENCY, Catherine, BOURGEOIS, Marlène (2008). Simple and Interactive Spatial Mobility Analysis Tool for Data Visualization, International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport: Harmonization and data comparability, Annecy, France.
12 CHAPLEAU, Robert, TRÉPANIER, Martin, CHU, Ka Kee (2008). The Ultimate Survey for Transit Planning: Complete Information with Smart Card Data and GIS, International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport: Harmonization and data comparability, Annecy, France.
13 MORENCY, Catherine (2008). Enhancing the travel survey process and data using the CATI system, Transportation Planning and Technology, , volume 31, Issue 2, pages pages 229-248.
14 MORENCY, Catherine, TRÉPANIER, Martin, AGARD, Bruno, MARTIN, Basile, QUASHIE, Joel (2007). Car sharing system: what transaction datasets reveal on users’ behaviors, IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2007), Seattle, Washington, pages 6. Accéder au résumé
15 MORENCY, Catherine, DEMERS, Marie (2007). The "Steps in Reserve": An unexploited way to make our children more active during their daily routine, International Conference on physical Activity and Obesity in Children, Toronto. Accéder au résumé
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