Les systèmes de transport intelligents, École Polytechnique de
liste des articles impliquant: CHU, Ka Kee
15 article(s) trouvé(s) 
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1 CHU, Ka Kee, LOMONE, André, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2019). Evaluating the impact of fare capping and guaranteed best fare policies using smart card validations data and machine learning, TransitData 2019, 5th International Workshop and Symposium, Paris, France. | | 2 DIONNE, Vincent, CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2016). Les défis profonds d'analyse des cartes à puces pour la planification du transport collectif, Mercredis de l'AMT, édition du 30 mars 2016, Montréal. |
| 3 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2013). Smart card validation data as multi-day transit panel surey to investigate individual and aggregate variation in travel behavior., In ZMUD, J., LEE-GOSSELIN, MUNIZAGA, M., CARASCO, J.A. (Eds.), Transport survey methods: Best practice for decision making, Bingley:Emerald, Chapter 36, pages 649-671. | | 4 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert, CHU, Ka Kee, DOUCET-KOUSSAYA, William (2012). Smart cards, GIS, GTFS and TRANSIMS : A plot for the dynamic microsimulation of the Montreal subway, Thirteenth International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Toronto, Canada. | | 5 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2011). Exploiting and Merging Passive Public Transportation Data Streams, 9th International Conference on Transport Survey Method, Termas de Puyehue, Chile, Workshop A5 paper #49. | | 6 CHAPLEAU, Robert, CHU, Ka Kee, ALLARD, Bruno (2011). Synthesizing AFC, APC, GPS, and GIS Data to Generate Performance and Travel Demand Indicators for Public Transit, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., paper#11-2894. | | 7 CHU, Ka Kee (2010). Leveraging Data from a Smart Card Automatic Fare Collection System for Public Transit Planning, Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, pages 233. | | 8 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2010). Augmenting Transit Trip Characterization and Travel Behavior Comprehension with Multiday Location-Stamped Smart Card Transactions, 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.. | | 9 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2009). Analysing Multi-day Travel Behaviours with Public Transit Smart Card Transaction Data, 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, Inde. | | 10 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2009). Driver-Assisted Bus Interview (DABI): Passive Transit Travel Survey using Smart Card Automatic Fare Collection System and its Applications, Transportation research record, Washington, D.C., Vol. 2105, pages 1-10. | | 11 CHAPLEAU, Robert, TRÉPANIER, Martin, CHU, Ka Kee (2008). The Ultimate Survey for Transit Planning: Complete Information with Smart Card Data and GIS, International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport: Harmonization and data comparability, Annecy, France. | | 12 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2008). Enriching archived smart card transaction data for transit demand modeling, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., Vol. 2063, pages 63-72. |
| 13 CHAPLEAU, Robert, CHU, Ka Kee (2007). Modeling transit travel patterns from location-stamped smart card data using a disaggregate approach, 11th World Conference on Transportation Research, Berkeley, Californie. | | 14 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2007). Imputation techniques for missing fields and implausible values in public transit smart card data, 11th World Conference on Transportation Research, Berkeley, California. | | 15 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2007). Décortication de données de cartes à puce en vue d'un modèle de planification d'un réseau de transport en commun., 42e congrès de l'Association québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal, pages 15. |
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