Articles MADITUC
Les systèmes de transport intelligents, École Polytechnique de Montréal

liste des articles impliquant:
CHU, Ka Kee

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1 CHU, Ka Kee, LOMONE, André, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2019). Evaluating the impact of fare capping and guaranteed best fare policies using smart card validations data and machine learning, TransitData 2019, 5th International Workshop and Symposium, Paris, France.
2 DIONNE, Vincent, CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2016). Les défis profonds d'analyse des cartes à puces pour la planification du transport collectif, Mercredis de l'AMT, édition du 30 mars 2016, Montréal. Accéder au résumé
3 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2013). Smart card validation data as multi-day transit panel surey to investigate individual and aggregate variation in travel behavior., In ZMUD, J., LEE-GOSSELIN, MUNIZAGA, M., CARASCO, J.A. (Eds.), Transport survey methods: Best practice for decision making, Bingley:Emerald, Chapter 36, pages 649-671.
4 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert, CHU, Ka Kee, DOUCET-KOUSSAYA, William (2012). Smart cards, GIS, GTFS and TRANSIMS : A plot for the dynamic microsimulation of the Montreal subway, Thirteenth International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Toronto, Canada.
5 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2011). Exploiting and Merging Passive Public Transportation Data Streams, 9th International Conference on Transport Survey Method, Termas de Puyehue, Chile, Workshop A5 paper #49.
6 CHAPLEAU, Robert, CHU, Ka Kee, ALLARD, Bruno (2011). Synthesizing AFC, APC, GPS, and GIS Data to Generate Performance and Travel Demand Indicators for Public Transit, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., paper#11-2894.
7 CHU, Ka Kee (2010). Leveraging Data from a Smart Card Automatic Fare Collection System for Public Transit Planning, Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, pages 233.
8 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2010). Augmenting Transit Trip Characterization and Travel Behavior Comprehension with Multiday Location-Stamped Smart Card Transactions, 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..
9 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2009). Analysing Multi-day Travel Behaviours with Public Transit Smart Card Transaction Data, 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, Inde.
10 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2009). Driver-Assisted Bus Interview (DABI): Passive Transit Travel Survey using Smart Card Automatic Fare Collection System and its Applications, Transportation research record, Washington, D.C., Vol. 2105, pages 1-10.
11 CHAPLEAU, Robert, TRÉPANIER, Martin, CHU, Ka Kee (2008). The Ultimate Survey for Transit Planning: Complete Information with Smart Card Data and GIS, International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport: Harmonization and data comparability, Annecy, France.
12 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2008). Enriching archived smart card transaction data for transit demand modeling, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., Vol. 2063, pages 63-72. Accéder au résumé
13 CHAPLEAU, Robert, CHU, Ka Kee (2007). Modeling transit travel patterns from location-stamped smart card data using a disaggregate approach, 11th World Conference on Transportation Research, Berkeley, Californie.
14 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2007). Imputation techniques for missing fields and implausible values in public transit smart card data, 11th World Conference on Transportation Research, Berkeley, California.
15 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2007). Décortication de données de cartes à puce en vue d'un modèle de planification d'un réseau de transport en commun., 42e congrès de l'Association québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal, pages 15. Accéder au résumé
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