Articles MADITUC
Les systèmes de transport intelligents, École Polytechnique de Montréal

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1 CHU, Ka Kee, LOMONE, André, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2019). Evaluating the impact of fare capping and guaranteed best fare policies using smart card validations data and machine learning, TransitData 2019, 5th International Workshop and Symposium, Paris, France.
2 CHAPLEAU, Robert, GAUDETTE, Philippe, SPURR, Tim (2019). Application of machine learning to two large-sample household travel surveys: a characterization of travel modes, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Volume 2673, no. 4, pages 173-183.
3 CHAPLEAU, Robert, GAUDETTE, Philippe, LEROUX, Antoine, SPURR, Tim (2018). Comportement comparé des usagers du transport urbain collectif tel que révélé par les enquêtes ménage transport et les cartes à puces: cas de Montréal 2013, 1eres Rencontres Francophones Transport-Mobilité, Lyon, France.
4 CHAPLEAU, Robert, GAUDETTE, Philippe, SPURR, Tim (2018). Modélisation du choix discret de mode par technique d'apprentissage supervisé appliquée aux enquêtes ménage transport de Montréal, 1eres Rencontres Francophones Transport-Mobilité, Lyon, France.
5 SPURR, Tim, LEROUX, Antoine, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2018). Comparative structural evaluation of transit travel demand using travel survey and smart card data for metropolitan transit financing, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Volume 2672, no. 8, pages 807-816.
6 CHAPLEAU, Robert, GAUDETTE, Philippe, SPURR, Tim (2018). Strict and Deep Comparison of Revealed Transit Trip Structure between CATI Household Travel Survey and Smart Cards, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Volume 2672, no. 42 , pages 13-22.
7 CHAPLEAU, Robert (2017). Challenges in integrating smart cards and GTFS data to perform dynamic assignment of transit demand, UITP - Global Public Transport Summit, Montréal. Accéder au résumé
8 DIONNE, Vincent, CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2016). Les défis profonds d'analyse des cartes à puces pour la planification du transport collectif, Mercredis de l'AMT, édition du 30 mars 2016, Montréal. Accéder au résumé
9 GAUDETTE, Philippe, CHAPLEAU, Robert, SPURR, Tim (2016). Bus Network Microsimulation with GTFS and Tap-in-Only Smart Card Data, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Volume 2544, pages 71-80.
10 GAUDETTE, Philippe, LAVIOLETTE, Jérôme, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2015). Microsimulation des piétons dans le métro, 50e congrès annuel de l’Association québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal.
11 CHAPLEAU, Robert (2015). Visualisation avancée du transport collectif, 50e congrès annuel de l’Association québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal.
12 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert, PICHÉ, Daniel (2014). Use of Subway Smart Card Transactions for the Discovery and Partial Correction of Travel Survey Bias, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Volume 2405, pages 57-67.
13 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert, PICHÉ, Daniel (2014). A smart card transaction "travel diary" to assess the accuracy of the Montréal household travel survey, 10th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, Leura, Ausralia.
14 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert, PICHÉ, Daniel (2013). Animation tools for the microsimulation of a public transport network, World Conference on Transport Research, Rio, Brasil., World Conference on Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
15 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2013). Direct schedule-based assignment of smart-card trips to a GTFS transit network, World Conference on Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil..
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