Articles MADITUC
Les systèmes de transport intelligents, École Polytechnique de Montréal

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1 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert, PICHÉ, Daniel (2014). Use of Subway Smart Card Transactions for the Discovery and Partial Correction of Travel Survey Bias, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Volume 2405, pages 57-67.
2 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2013). Smart card validation data as multi-day transit panel surey to investigate individual and aggregate variation in travel behavior., In ZMUD, J., LEE-GOSSELIN, MUNIZAGA, M., CARASCO, J.A. (Eds.), Transport survey methods: Best practice for decision making, Bingley:Emerald, Chapter 36, pages 649-671.
3 MORENCY, Catherine, TRÉPANIER, Martin, PICHÉ, Daniel, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2010). Bridging the Gap Between Complex Data and Decision-Makers: An Example of an Innovative Interactive Tool., Transportation Planning and Technology, , 33(6), pages 465-479.
4 MORENCY, Catherine (2008). Enhancing the travel survey process and data using the CATI system, Transportation Planning and Technology, , volume 31, Issue 2, pages pages 229-248.
5 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2008). Enriching archived smart card transaction data for transit demand modeling, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., Vol. 2063, pages 63-72. Accéder au résumé
6 BUILIUNG, Ron, MORENCY, Catherine (2008). "Seeing is Believing": Exploring Opportunities for the Visualization of Spatiotemporal Dimensions of Activity-Travel and Land Use Processes, in Paez, A., Le Gallo, J., Buliung, R., Dall’Erba, Progress in Spatial Analysis: Theory and Computation, and Thematic Applications., .
7 AGARD, Bruno, MORENCY, Catherine, TRÉPANIER, Martin (2008). Mining smart card data from an urban transit network in Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining - 2nd Edition, John Wang, .
8 ROORDA, Matthew, MORENCY, Catherine, WOO, Karen (2008). Two Cities, Two Realities? A Closer look at the evolution of trip rates in Toronto and Montreal, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2082, pages 156-167.
9 TRÉPANIER, Martin, TRANCHANT, Nicolas, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2007). Individual Trip Destination Estimation in a Transit Smart Card Automated Fare Collection System, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, , 11:1, pages 1-14.
10 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2007). The contribution of the confusion matrix to the analysis of mode choice in Montreal., Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2007, Washington, #07-2925, pages 15. Accéder au résumé
11 MORENCY, Catherine (2006). Étude de méthodes d'analyse spatiale et illustration à l'aide de microdonnées urbaines de la Grande Région de Montréal, Les cahiers scientifiques du transport, France, no.49, pages 77-102. Accéder au résumé
12 TRÉPANIER, Martin, CHAPLEAU, Robert, ALLARD, Bruno (2005). Can trip planner log files analysis help in transit service planning?, Journal of Public Transportation, Miami, Vol. 8, no 2, pages 79-103. Accéder au résumé
13 BESNER, Marie-Claude, GAUTHIER, Vincent, TRÉPANIER, Martin, PRÉVOST, Michèle, LECLAIR, Michel (2005). Interactive analyser for understanding water quality problems in distribution systems, Urban Waters, London, UK, Vol. 2, no 2, pages 93-105. Accéder au résumé
14 TRÉPANIER, Martin, GAUTHIER, Vincent, BESNER, Marie-Claude, PRÉVOST, Michèle (2005). A GIS-Based Tool for Distribution System Data Integration and Analysis, Journal of HydroInformatics, London, UK. Accéder au résumé
15 TRÉPANIER, Martin, CHAPLEAU, Robert, ALLARD, Bruno, MORENCY, Catherine (2003). Trip Generator Relocation Impact Analysis Methodology Based On Household Surveys, Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal (on the Web), Washington, vol. 73, no 10. Accéder au résumé
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