Les systèmes de transport intelligents, École Polytechnique de
liste des articles de ce type: Publication avec comité de lecture
48 article(s) trouvé(s) 
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1 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert, PICHÉ, Daniel (2014). Use of Subway Smart Card Transactions for the Discovery and Partial Correction of Travel Survey Bias, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Volume 2405, pages 57-67. | | 2 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2013). Smart card validation data as multi-day transit panel surey to investigate individual and aggregate variation in travel behavior., In ZMUD, J., LEE-GOSSELIN, MUNIZAGA, M., CARASCO, J.A. (Eds.), Transport survey methods: Best practice for decision making, Bingley:Emerald, Chapter 36, pages 649-671. | | 3 MORENCY, Catherine, TRÉPANIER, Martin, PICHÉ, Daniel, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2010). Bridging the Gap Between Complex Data and Decision-Makers: An Example of an Innovative Interactive Tool., Transportation Planning and Technology, , 33(6), pages 465-479. | | 4 MORENCY, Catherine (2008). Enhancing the travel survey process and data using the CATI system, Transportation Planning and Technology, , volume 31, Issue 2, pages pages 229-248. | | 5 CHU, Ka Kee, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2008). Enriching archived smart card transaction data for transit demand modeling, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., Vol. 2063, pages 63-72. |
| 6 BUILIUNG, Ron, MORENCY, Catherine (2008). "Seeing is Believing": Exploring Opportunities for the Visualization of Spatiotemporal Dimensions of Activity-Travel and Land Use Processes, in Paez, A., Le Gallo, J., Buliung, R., DallErba, Progress in Spatial Analysis: Theory and Computation, and Thematic Applications., . | | 7 AGARD, Bruno, MORENCY, Catherine, TRÉPANIER, Martin (2008). Mining smart card data from an urban transit network in Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining - 2nd Edition, John Wang, . | | 8 ROORDA, Matthew, MORENCY, Catherine, WOO, Karen (2008). Two Cities, Two Realities? A Closer look at the evolution of trip rates in Toronto and Montreal, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2082, pages 156-167. | | 9 TRÉPANIER, Martin, TRANCHANT, Nicolas, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2007). Individual Trip Destination Estimation in a Transit Smart Card Automated Fare Collection System, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, , 11:1, pages 1-14. | | 10 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2007). The contribution of the confusion matrix to the analysis of mode choice in Montreal., Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2007, Washington, #07-2925, pages 15. |
| 11 MORENCY, Catherine (2006). Étude de méthodes d'analyse spatiale et illustration à l'aide de microdonnées urbaines de la Grande Région de Montréal, Les cahiers scientifiques du transport, France, no.49, pages 77-102. |
| 12 TRÉPANIER, Martin, CHAPLEAU, Robert, ALLARD, Bruno (2005). Can trip planner log files analysis help in transit service planning?, Journal of Public Transportation, Miami, Vol. 8, no 2, pages 79-103. |
| 13 BESNER, Marie-Claude, GAUTHIER, Vincent, TRÉPANIER, Martin, PRÉVOST, Michèle, LECLAIR, Michel (2005). Interactive analyser for understanding water quality problems in distribution systems, Urban Waters, London, UK, Vol. 2, no 2, pages 93-105. |
| 14 TRÉPANIER, Martin, GAUTHIER, Vincent, BESNER, Marie-Claude, PRÉVOST, Michèle (2005). A GIS-Based Tool for Distribution System Data Integration and Analysis, Journal of HydroInformatics, London, UK. |
| 15 TRÉPANIER, Martin, CHAPLEAU, Robert, ALLARD, Bruno, MORENCY, Catherine (2003). Trip Generator Relocation Impact Analysis Methodology Based On Household Surveys, Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal (on the Web), Washington, vol. 73, no 10. |
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