Articles MADITUC
Les systèmes de transport intelligents, École Polytechnique de Montréal

liste des articles impliquant:
MORENCY, Catherine

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Référence Détail
1 MORENCY, Catherine, TRÉPANIER, Martin, PICHÉ, Daniel, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2010). Bridging the Gap Between Complex Data and Decision-Makers: An Example of an Innovative Interactive Tool., Transportation Planning and Technology, , 33(6), pages 465-479.
2 MORENCY, Catherine, TRÉPANIER, Martin, PICHÉ, Daniel, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2008). Bridging the Gap Between Complex Data and Decision Makers: an Exemple of Innovative Interactive Tool., 55th Annual North, American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, New-York.
3 CHAPLEAU, Robert, MORENCY, Catherine, BOURGEOIS, Marlène (2008). Simple and Interactive Spatial Mobility Analysis Tool for Data Visualization, International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport: Harmonization and data comparability, Annecy, France.
4 BONNEL, Patrick, MORENCY, Catherine, BAYART, Caroline (2008). Workshop on Best practices in data fusion, International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport: Harmonisation and data comparability, Annecy, France.
5 TRÉPANIER, Martin, MORENCY, Catherine, CHAPLEAU, Robert, BLANCHETTE, Carl (2008). Fusion of Smart Card Data and Household Travel Survey Data for the Enhancement of Transit Riders' Behavior Characterisation, International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport: Harmonisation and data comparability, Annecy, France.
6 VERREAULT, Hubert, MORENCY, Catherine (2008). Quand le jour et le mois dictent les choix, 43e Congrès annuel de l’Association québécoise du transport et des routes, Québec.
7 MORENCY, Catherine, MARTIN, Basile (2008). Caractérisation objective et évolutive de l’autopartage à Montréal, 43e Congrès annuel de l’Association québécoise du transport et des routes, Québec.
8 TRÉPANIER, Martin, MORENCY, Catherine, BLANCHETTE, Carl (2008). Les systèmes de paiement par cartes à puce : un complément aux enquêtes origine-destination?, 43e Congrès annuel de l’Association québécoise du transport et des routes, Québec.
9 MORENCY, Catherine (2008). Enhancing the travel survey process and data using the CATI system, Transportation Planning and Technology, , volume 31, Issue 2, pages pages 229-248.
10 MORENCY, Catherine, TRÉPANIER, Martin, MARTIN, Basile (2008). Object-oriented analysis of a car sharing system, Transportation Research Record, Washington, D.C., 2063, pages 105-112.
11 BUILIUNG, Ron, MORENCY, Catherine (2008). "Seeing is Believing": Exploring Opportunities for the Visualization of Spatiotemporal Dimensions of Activity-Travel and Land Use Processes, in Paez, A., Le Gallo, J., Buliung, R., Dall’Erba, Progress in Spatial Analysis: Theory and Computation, and Thematic Applications., .
12 AGARD, Bruno, MORENCY, Catherine, TRÉPANIER, Martin (2008). Mining smart card data from an urban transit network in Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining - 2nd Edition, John Wang, .
13 MORENCY, Catherine, TRÉPANIER, Martin, DEMERS, Marie (2008). Le transport en commun complice de votre santé?!, Revue Routes et Transport, AQTR.
14 MORENCY, Catherine, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2008). Age and its relation with home location, household structure and travel behaviors: 15 years of observation, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Compendium of Papers DVD, Washington, D.C..
15 ROORDA, Matthew, MORENCY, Catherine, WOO, Karen (2008). Two Cities, Two Realities? A Closer look at the evolution of trip rates in Toronto and Montreal, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2082, pages 156-167.
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