Les systèmes de transport intelligents, École Polytechnique de
liste des articles impliquant: SPURR, Tim
20 article(s) trouvé(s)
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1 CHAPLEAU, Robert, GAUDETTE, Philippe, SPURR, Tim (2019). Application of machine learning to two large-sample household travel surveys: a characterization of travel modes, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Volume 2673, no. 4, pages 173-183. | | 2 CHAPLEAU, Robert, GAUDETTE, Philippe, LEROUX, Antoine, SPURR, Tim (2018). Comportement comparé des usagers du transport urbain collectif tel que révélé par les enquêtes ménage transport et les cartes à puces: cas de Montréal 2013, 1eres Rencontres Francophones Transport-Mobilité, Lyon, France. | | 3 CHAPLEAU, Robert, GAUDETTE, Philippe, SPURR, Tim (2018). Modélisation du choix discret de mode par technique d'apprentissage supervisé appliquée aux enquêtes ménage transport de Montréal, 1eres Rencontres Francophones Transport-Mobilité, Lyon, France. | | 4 SPURR, Tim, LEROUX, Antoine, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2018). Comparative structural evaluation of transit travel demand using travel survey and smart card data for metropolitan transit financing, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Volume 2672, no. 8, pages 807-816. | | 5 CHAPLEAU, Robert, GAUDETTE, Philippe, SPURR, Tim (2018). Strict and Deep Comparison of Revealed Transit Trip Structure between CATI Household Travel Survey and Smart Cards, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Volume 2672, no. 42 , pages 13-22. | | 6 GAUDETTE, Philippe, CHAPLEAU, Robert, SPURR, Tim (2016). Bus Network Microsimulation with GTFS and Tap-in-Only Smart Card Data, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Volume 2544, pages 71-80. | | 7 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert, PICHÉ, Daniel (2014). Use of Subway Smart Card Transactions for the Discovery and Partial Correction of Travel Survey Bias, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Volume 2405, pages 57-67. | | 8 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert, PICHÉ, Daniel (2014). A smart card transaction "travel diary" to assess the accuracy of the Montréal household travel survey, 10th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, Leura, Ausralia. | | 9 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert, PICHÉ, Daniel (2013). Animation tools for the microsimulation of a public transport network, World Conference on Transport Research, Rio, Brasil., World Conference on Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. | | 10 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2013). Direct schedule-based assignment of smart-card trips to a GTFS transit network, World Conference on Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.. | | 11 CHAPLEAU, Robert, SPURR, Tim (2013). Microscopie dun métro: micro-simulation en totalement désagrégé dérivée des transactions de cartes à puces, 12ème séminaire francophone est-ouest de socio-économie des transports, dans le cadre de la
Conférence mondiale sur la recherche dans les transports (WCTR), Rio de Janeiro, Brésil. | | 12 CHAPLEAU, Robert, SPURR, Tim (2012). LeMétro au microscope cartapucien dynamique, Mercredis de lAMT, édition du 7 novembre 2012, Montréal. | | 13 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert, CHU, Ka Kee, DOUCET-KOUSSAYA, William (2012). Smart cards, GIS, GTFS and TRANSIMS : A plot for the dynamic microsimulation of the Montreal subway, Thirteenth International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Toronto, Canada. | | 14 SPURR, Tim, CHAPLEAU, Robert (2011). Information-Based Traffic Assignment for Analysis of Geopolitical Equity, 90th Annual Meeting of the transportation research board, Washington, D.C., paper#11-1620. | | 15 SPURR, Tim (2010). The Assignment of Trips to a Road Network for the Analysis of Equitable Transport., Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, pages 282. | | (résultats 1 à 15 sur 20)
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