Les systèmes de transport intelligents, École Polytechnique de Montréal

Articles du groupe MADITUC

A Method for Measuring Impacts on Customers of A Subway Breakdown


CHAPLEAU, Robert (2002). A Method for Measuring Impacts on Customers of A Subway Breakdown, Compte-rendus de la 30e conférence annuelle de la Société canadienne de génie civil, Montréal, pages 253-262.

Conférence avec publication



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It sometimes happens… For unverified or unverifiable causes, subway breakdowns of varying magnitude occur on the Montreal Subway network. This paper presents a model developed in order to measure the traffic on the subway lines as well as the movements at every station in order to measure the lost times due to subway breakdowns. This technical proposition emerged from demonstrated and anticipated potentialities of Origin-Destination survey data. This approach lies on the modelling of every trip involving a subway line, both in their spatial (access point on the transport network, transit lines, entry and exit subway stations), and temporal (arrival time at entry and exit subway stations) representations. Dynamical distributions of trips can be derived from this totally disaggregate trip file. Those data are then used to estimate the number of clients that would be inconvenienced by a fictitious breakdown as well as the number of customers who would bang into an interrupted network.

gbisaillon@polymtl.ca 2024-07-27 10:03:08